Garden Birds 2 Button Fridge Magnets


British Garden Birds set 2 38mm round button fridge magnets from one of my own illustrations.

Available singly or in sets.

British Garden Birds Set 2, 38mm round button fridge magnets from one of my own illustrations.

Available singly or in sets.

Great Tit, Greenfinch, Nuthatch, Starling, Coaltit, House Sparrow, Long-tailed Tit and Collared Dove.

Ideal for identifying your garden birds.

I am inspired by nature and the countryside.

Ideal for fidges, noticeboards or displays in wildlife visitor centres.


Set of 8 for Catherine, Nuthatch magnet, Greenfinch magnet, House Sparrow magnet, Collared Dove magnet, Long-tailed Tit magnet, Coal Tit Magnet, Great Tit magnet, Starling magnet


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